5e already has a bastard sword, it is (correctly) called the 'long sword' What 5e D&D does not have is a traditional medieval 1h sword or 'arming sword', what previous AD&Dbased editions (but not Classic) called a 'longsword' This would be a d8 weapon with a hilt too short to use 1handed, possibly slightly shorter blade than the long Statistically though, the D&D longsword is more often used either as bastard sword (in 5E) being a "hand and a half" versatile weapon In older editions, especially 3X, where the longsword had a greater crit range, but didn't have any added benefit when used twohanded, it was more like a sabre FHC keeps stats the same (as far as I can tell) but does away with half the weapons, so Franciscas and Long Spears are no more, and only the Medium Longbow is kept Given short shrift throughout FH history, the Bastard Sword not only has no OCV bonus, it doesn't even have an OCV bonus entry in the table due to one of the egregious typos